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Messy Spirituality: God's Annoying Love for Imperfect People

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 Messy Spirituality: God\'s Annoying Love for Imperfect People
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Price: CDN$28.49
Product ID: 544638

So, You Don t Think You re a Very Good Christian . . .

Do you ever feel like:

I don t pray enough

I don t read my Bible enough

I don t share my faith enough

I don t love God enough

I m not committed enough

I m not spiritual enough

Then this book is for you. From the man who knew messiness intimately well, Mike Yaconelli s book, Messy Spirituality, was written for the silent majority of us who are convinced that we just don t do Christianity right. We spend most of our lives worried about what we don t do instead of what we have done, focused on our imperfections instead of God s fondness for the imperfect. Why? Because we ve been bombarded with books, movies, podcasts, seminars, and social media convincing us that real Christianity is all about perfection. Michael Yaconelli dares to suggest that imperfection, infiniteness, and messiness are, in fact, the earmarks of true Christianity; that real Christianity is messy, erratic, lopsided . . . and gloriously liberating.

What if genuine faith begins with admitting we will never have our act completely together? Maybe messy disciples are exactly the kind of imperfect people Jesus came to earth for and whose company he actually enjoyed--and still enjoys. If you want to find Jesus, look for him in the midst of burned-out believers, moral misfits, religious incompetents . . . men and women whose lives are, well, messy.

Messy Spirituality is a classic that offers timeless wisdom and antidotes for the spiritual perfectionism in us all. Here you will find truths that can cut you loose from the tyranny of ought-to s and open your eyes to the deep spirituality of being loved by the God who meets you and transforms you in the midst of a messy and unpredictable life."

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Product Weight: 0.30 lbs
Author: Yaconelli, Mike
Publication Date: 2015-10-27
Language: English
Publisher: ZONDERVAN
Dewey Decimal Classification: 248.4
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9780310345558