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Why Jesus? Polish Edition

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 Why Jesus? Polish Edition
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Price: CDN$10.49
Product ID: 720937

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Why Jesus? is a concise and easy-to-read study of the very real questions surrounding Jesus that your guests might be thinking about when first attending your church or Alpha:

  • Who is Jesus?
  • Why do we need Him?
  • Why did He have to die?
  • Why is He relevant to my life today?

These booklets are an effective evangelistic tool to pass out to guests at your services or at Alpha, sharing the Gospel in a warm and relevant way. Alpha is based on a pattern found in the New Testament of people bringing their friends, family, and work colleagues to meet Jesus. Alpha is an easy way to say to friends, "Come and see, come and explore your questions, come and hear about Jesus, come and see for yourself." Everyone is welcome at Alpha, but the program is designed especially for people who would not describe themselves as Christians or church-goers.

This resource is written in Polish.

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 24
Product Weight: 0.10 lbs
Author: Alpha
Publication Date: 2017-12-05
Language: Polish
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9788360452073