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Product ID: 588048

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Dos ngeles, Milagros y Alegr a, ejercen su poder protector a escondidas y a veces con un toque de humor, siguiendo constantemente la direcci n de Dios mientras cuidan a una ni a llamada Adriana. La peque a protagonista y su familia se ven obligadas a dejar su hogar en Colombia y empezar una nueva vida en Chicago. Durante tiempos dif ciles, transiciones grandes y momentos ordinarios de la ni ez, los ngeles de Adriana le susurran mensajes acerca de la presencia y el amor de Dios.

Los ngeles de Adriana estimula la fe, imaginaci n, curiosidad y empat a. Los ni os que leen o escuchan esta historia crecer n en la comprensi n de sus compa eros refugiados o inmigrantes. Su sentido del cuidado atento de Dios por ellos y por otros se profundizar , especialmente conociendo la labor entra able de los ngeles mientras Adriana duerme. Los ninos que han vivido situaciones traum ticas frecuentemente las reviven de noche --por eso es profundamente importante la misteriosa obra sanadora del Esp ritu Santo durante el sue o.

Two angels, Milagros (Miracles) and Alegria (Joy), wield their protective power surreptitiously and sometimes with a hint of humor, listening constantly for God's direction as they watch over a little girl named Adriana. Adriana and her family are forced to flee their home in Colombia and start a new life in Chicago. Throughout difficult times, big transitions, and the ordinary moments of childhood, Adriana's angels whisper messages of God's love and presence.

Adriana's Angels encourages faith, wonder, and compassion. Many children who read or hear this story will grow in empathy toward refugee and other immigrant peers. Their sense of God's attentive care will deepen, particularly as they witness the angels' ministry to Adriana while she sleeps. Children who have experienced trauma often relive it unconsciously at night which is why the Spirit's mysterious healing work in sleep is so important.

Los ngeles de Adriana is a 2017 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards winner-a contest intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary children's books and their creators, and to support childhood literacy and life-long reading.

Product Details


Format: Hardcover
Pages: 32
Product Weight: 1.05 lbs
Author: Goring, Ruth
Illustrator: Meza, Erika
Publication Date: 2017-09-12
Language: Spanish
Dewey Decimal Classification: E
Audience Age Group: 04 to 08
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781506425078