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When Two Worlds Collide

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 When Two Worlds Collide
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Price: CDN$28.49
Product ID: 255937

The pundits of television and radio, friends and relatives daily feed us an endless stream of well-meaning advice in how to successfully deal with life's vicissitudes and problematic situations. We are pulled this way and that way like rudderless boats cast upon a series of huge waves caught in a tempest by whomever or whatever exerts the most influence upon us at any particular point in time. Our life has no direction, but that which is imposed upon us by events and seemingly knowledgeable people. In Barbara Engels' newest book, When Two Worlds Collide, the author through continuing the story of the Cole family dares to suggest to the reader that he 'be still'. In a world where we feverishly turn to Oprah or Dr. Laura or Dr. Phil or any other popular expert for our daily dose of advice, it is radical indeed to tell the reader to 'be still'. Engels dares to suggest that we do the unthinkable and when the ominous black clouds of a problem swirl about us that we 'be still', and let our Creator speak to us and solutions will be found. When Two Worlds Collide is excellent in that it tells a great story, but on a deeper level it makes us stop and think about our relationship to God and how through communing with Him we may bring our lives back on track. Don M. McKay Author/Publisher Black Hat Publishing

Product Details


Format: Paperback
Pages: 360
Product Weight: 1.02 lbs
Author: Engels, Barbara
Publication Date: 2003-04-07
Language: English
Publisher: WORD ALIVE
Number of Units in Package: 1

ISBN: 9781894928168