"Let Us Go Free": Slavery and Jesuit Universities in America CDN$134.93
"Let Us Go Free": Slavery and Jesuit Universities in America CDN$44.93
"My Faith in the Constitution Is Whole": Barbara Jordan and the Politics of Scripture CDN$224.93
"My Faith in the Constitution Is Whole": Barbara Jordan and the Politics of Scripture CDN$74.93
A Balm for Gilead: Meditations on Spirituality and the Healing Arts CDN$44.93
A Just Peace Ethic Primer: Building Sustainable Peace and Breaking Cycles of Violence CDN$224.93
A Just Peace Ethic Primer: Building Sustainable Peace and Breaking Cycles of Violence CDN$74.93
A Moral Vision for America CDN$89.93
A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament CDN$149.93
A World Free from Nuclear Weapons: The Vatican Conference on Disarmament CDN$37.43
A World of Grace: An Introduction to the Themes and Foundations of Karl Rahner's Theology CDN$49.43
A World of Inequalities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives CDN$157.43
A World of Inequalities: Christian and Muslim Perspectives CDN$52.43
An Ethics of Biodiversity: Christianity, Ecology, and the Variety of Life CDN$89.93
Aquinas and Empowerment: Classical Ethics for Ordinary Lives CDN$32.93
Aquinas on the Emotions: A Religious-Ethical Inquiry CDN$89.93
Art and Moral Change: A Reexamination CDN$202.43
Art and Moral Change: A Reexamination CDN$67.43
Asian Pacific Catholicism and Globalization: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges CDN$74.93
Asian Pacific Catholicism and Globalization: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges CDN$224.93
At Peace with All Their Neighbors: Catholics and Catholicism in the National Capital, 1787-1860 CDN$89.93
Beyond Biology: Rethinking Parenthood in the Catholic Tradition CDN$74.93
Beyond Biology: Rethinking Parenthood in the Catholic Tradition CDN$224.93
Beyond Compare: St. Francis de Sales and Sri Vedanta Desika on Loving Surrender to God CDN$55.43
Beyond Virtue Ethics: A Contemporary Ethic of Ancient Spiritual Struggle CDN$269.93
Beyond Virtue Ethics: A Contemporary Ethic of Ancient Spiritual Struggle CDN$89.93
Blacks and Jews in America: An Invitation to Dialogue CDN$34.43
Blacks and Jews in America: An Invitation to Dialogue CDN$40.43
Bridging the Sacred & the Secular: Selected Writings CDN$149.93
Bridging the Sacred and the Secular: Selected Writings of John Courtney Murray CDN$49.41
Building a Better Bridge: Muslims, Christians, and the Common Good CDN$89.93
Business Ethics and Catholic Social Thought CDN$134.93
Business Ethics and Catholic Social Thought CDN$67.43
Can a Health Care Market Be Moral?: A Catholic Vision CDN$89.93
Capitalism and Christianity: The Possibility of Christian Personalism CDN$29.93
Catholic Moral Theology in the United States: A History CDN$89.93
Catholic Moral Theology in the United States: A History CDN$134.93
Catholic Moral Tradition PB: A Synthesis CDN$52.43
Catholic Social Teaching, 1891-Present: A Historical, Theological, and Ethical Analysis CDN$148.50
Catholic Social Teaching, 1891-Present: A Historical, Theological, and Ethical Analysis CDN$49.43
Catholic Universities in Church and Society: A Dialogue on Ex Corde Ecclesiae CDN$89.93
Catholics and Politics: The Dynamic Tension Between Faith and Power CDN$269.93
Catholics and Politics: The Dynamic Tension Between Faith and Power CDN$44.93
Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy CDN$34.43
Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy CDN$44.93
Champions of the Poor: The Economic Consequences of Judeo-Christian Values CDN$89.93
Choosing Life: A Dialogue on Evangelium Vitae CDN$89.93
Christian Morality: The Word Becomes Flesh CDN$89.93
Common Calling: The Laity and Governance of the Catholic Church CDN$89.93
Companions in the Mission of Jesus: Texts for Prayer and Reflection in the Lenten and Easter Seasons CDN$22.43
Death Foretold: The Jesuit Murders in El Salvador CDN$89.93
Defending Probabilism: The Moral Theology of Juan Caramuel CDN$89.93
Democracy on Purpose: Justice and the Reality of God CDN$40.43
Disability Ethics and Preferential Justice: A Catholic Perspective CDN$149.93
Disability Ethics and Preferential Justice: A Catholic Perspective CDN$49.43
Ecological Moral Character: A Catholic Model CDN$224.93
Ecological Moral Character: A Catholic Model CDN$74.93
Enhancing Human Traits: Ethical and Social Implications CDN$49.43
Enhancing Religious Identity: Best Practices from Catholic Campuses CDN$89.93
Evolution of Altruism PB CDN$89.93
Faith and Force: A Christian Debate about War CDN$44.93
Faith in Human Rights: Support in Religious Traditions for a Global Struggle CDN$89.93
Faith, Hope, and Jobs: Welfare-To-Work in Los Angeles CDN$269.93
Family Ethics: Practices for Christians CDN$49.43
Feminist Ethics and Natural Law: The End of the Anathemas CDN$89.93
Forbidden: Receiving Pope Francis's Condemnation of Nuclear Weapons CDN$67.43
Fundamental Ethics: A Liberationist Approach CDN$49.43
Fundamentals of Ethics CDN$49.43
Georgetown's Second Founder: Fr. Giovanni Grassi's News on the Present Condition of the Republic of the United States of North America CDN$37.43
Goodness and Rightness in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae CDN$89.93
Gratitude, Injury, and Repair in a Pandemic Age: An Interreligious Dialogue CDN$52.43
Gratitude, Injury, and Repair in a Pandemic Age: An Interreligious Dialogue CDN$157.43
Growing in Virtue: Aquinas on Habit CDN$224.93
Growing in Virtue: Aquinas on Habit CDN$74.93
Health Care Ethics: A Catholic Theological Analysis, Fifth Edition CDN$89.93
High-Impact Leadership in Catholic Education CDN$134.93
High-Impact Leadership in Catholic Education CDN$44.93
Higher Education as a Moral Enterprise CDN$29.93
Human Dignity and Liberal Politics: Catholic Possibilities for the Common Good CDN$52.43
Human Dignity and Liberal Politics: Catholic Possibilities for the Common Good CDN$157.43
Human Rights in a Divided World: Catholicism as a Living Tradition CDN$44.93
Human Rights in a Divided World: Catholicism as a Living Tradition CDN$134.93
Humanity in Crisis: Ethical and Religious Response to Refugees CDN$193.43
Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought CDN$89.93
Interactional Morality: A Foundation for Moral Discernment in Catholic Pastoral Ministry CDN$29.93
Islam: A Concise Introduction CDN$89.93
Jesuit Higher Education in a Secular Age: A Response to Charles Taylor and the Crisis of Fullness CDN$67.43
John Paul II and the Legacy of Dignitatis Humanae CDN$89.93
Just Results: Ethical Foundations for Policy Analysis CDN$89.93
Key Words in Christianity CDN$20.93
Law from Below: How the Thought of Francisco Su CDN$224.93
Law from Below: How the Thought of Francisco Su CDN$74.93
Let Them Go Free: A Guide to Withdrawing Life Support CDN$14.93
Life and Faith: Psychological Perspectives on Religious Experience CDN$89.93
Life Choices: A Hastings Center Introduction to Bioethics CDN$56.93
Love, Human and Divine: The Heart of Christian Ethics CDN$89.93
Medical Care at the End of Life: A Catholic Perspective CDN$49.43
Medical Ethics: Sources of Catholic Teachings, Fourth Edition CDN$67.43
Memoirs of a Yukon Priest CDN$52.43
Modern Catholic Family Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations CDN$74.93
Modern Catholic Family Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations CDN$224.93
Modern Catholic Social Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations CDN$74.93
Moral Agency within Social Structures and Culture: A Primer on Critical Realism for Christian Ethics CDN$134.93
Moral Agency within Social Structures and Culture: A Primer on Critical Realism for Christian Ethics CDN$44.93
Moral Demands and Personal Obligations CDN$32.93
Naming God: Christian and Muslim Perspectives CDN$224.93
Naming God: Christian and Muslim Perspectives CDN$74.91
Natural Law and Contemporary Public Policy CDN$112.43
Natural Law and Moral Inquiry: Ethics, Metaphysics, and Politics in the Thought of Germain Grisez CDN$52.43
Natural Law and Public Reason CDN$89.93
Natural Law and Public Reason CDN$269.93
On Teaching and Learning Christian Ethics CDN$202.43
On Teaching and Learning Christian Ethics CDN$59.93
Origins of Christian Anti Internatio Hb: Conservative Evangelicals and the League of Nations CDN$269.93
Origins of Christian Anti Internatio PB: Conservative Evangelicals and the League of Nations CDN$89.93
Personal Responsibility and Christian Morality CDN$89.93
Pews, Prayers, and Participation: Religion and Civic Responsibility in America CDN$149.93
Pews, Prayers, and Participation: Religion and Civic Responsibility in America CDN$49.43