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 "Jesus Was a Jew": Presenting Christians and Christianity in Israeli State Education

"Jesus Was a Jew": Presenting Christians and Christianity in Israeli State Education

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 "Same Is Better": A Qualitative Study of Latinx and White Young Adults in Churches of Christ in the Southwestern U.S.

"Same Is Better": A Qualitative Study of Latinx and White Young Adults in Churches of Christ in the Southwestern U.S.

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 A 12-Step Approach to the Sunday Readings

A 12-Step Approach to the Sunday Readings

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 A Christian and African Ethic of Women's Political Participation: Living as Risen Beings

A Christian and African Ethic of Women's Political Participation: Living as Risen Beings

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 A Civil Society with no Hierarchy: The Covenantal Societal Model

A Civil Society with no Hierarchy: The Covenantal Societal Model

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 A Companion to Ricoeur's The Symbolism of Evil

A Companion to Ricoeur's The Symbolism of Evil

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 A Critical Analysis of Bhima Bhoi and the Mahima Cult

A Critical Analysis of Bhima Bhoi and the Mahima Cult

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 A Dictionary for Episcopalians

A Dictionary for Episcopalians

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 A Eucharist-shaped Church: Prayer, Theology, Mission

A Eucharist-shaped Church: Prayer, Theology, Mission

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 A Formula for Conversation: Christians and Muslims in Dialogue

A Formula for Conversation: Christians and Muslims in Dialogue

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 A Hermeneutics of Contemplative Silence: Paul Ricoeur, Edith Stein, and the Heart of Meaning

A Hermeneutics of Contemplative Silence: Paul Ricoeur, Edith Stein, and the Heart of Meaning

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 A Hindu-Jewish Conversation: Root Traditions in Dialogue

A Hindu-Jewish Conversation: Root Traditions in Dialogue

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 A History of Medieval Heresy and Inquisition

A History of Medieval Heresy and Inquisition

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 A History of Medieval Heresy and Inquisition

A History of Medieval Heresy and Inquisition

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 A Long-Shadowed Grief: Suicide and Its Aftermath

A Long-Shadowed Grief: Suicide and Its Aftermath

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 A Marxist Interpretation of Church Leadership: Romans 13:1-7

A Marxist Interpretation of Church Leadership: Romans 13:1-7

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 A Moral Case for Play in K-12 Schools: The Urgency of Advancing Moral Ecologies of Play

A Moral Case for Play in K-12 Schools: The Urgency of Advancing Moral Ecologies of Play

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 A Phenomenological Reading of Hosea 12: 4-5 and 11:1-2: Commune with Us

A Phenomenological Reading of Hosea 12: 4-5 and 11:1-2: Commune with Us

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 A Playful Spirit: Exploring the Theology, Philosophy, and Psychology of Play

A Playful Spirit: Exploring the Theology, Philosophy, and Psychology of Play

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 A Postcolonial Political Theology of Care and Praxis in Ethiopia's Era of Identity Politics: Reframing Hegemonic and Fragmented Identities through Sub

A Postcolonial Political Theology of Care and Praxis in Ethiopia's Era of Identity Politics: Reframing Hegemonic and Fragmented Identities through Sub

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 A Postfoundationalist Comparative Christology: Parity, Particularity, and Universality in Indian Interreligious Dialogues

A Postfoundationalist Comparative Christology: Parity, Particularity, and Universality in Indian Interreligious Dialogues

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 A Qualitative Study of Black Atheists: "Don't Tell Me You're One of Those!"

A Qualitative Study of Black Atheists: "Don't Tell Me You're One of Those!"

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 A Rabbi Looks at Jesus' Parables

A Rabbi Looks at Jesus' Parables

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 A Ray of Darkness

A Ray of Darkness

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 A Sacred Vertigo: Pilgrimage and Tourism in Rocamadour, France

A Sacred Vertigo: Pilgrimage and Tourism in Rocamadour, France

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 A Scribe Trained for the Kingdom of Heaven: Essays on Christology and Ethics in Honor of Richard B. Hays

A Scribe Trained for the Kingdom of Heaven: Essays on Christology and Ethics in Honor of Richard B. Hays

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 A Simple Guide to John

A Simple Guide to John

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 A Simple Guide to Luke

A Simple Guide to Luke

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 A Simple Guide to Mark

A Simple Guide to Mark

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 A Simple Guide to Matthew

A Simple Guide to Matthew

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 A Synoptic Christology of Lament: The Lord Who Answered and the Lord Who Cried

A Synoptic Christology of Lament: The Lord Who Answered and the Lord Who Cried

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 A Theodicy for a Suffering World with a Hidden God

A Theodicy for a Suffering World with a Hidden God

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 A Theology of Divine Vulnerability: The Silence that Gives Light

A Theology of Divine Vulnerability: The Silence that Gives Light

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 A Will to Choose: The Origins of African American Methodism

A Will to Choose: The Origins of African American Methodism

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 A Womanist Holistic Soteriology: Stitching Fabrics with Fine Threads

A Womanist Holistic Soteriology: Stitching Fabrics with Fine Threads

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 A Womanist Reading of Hebrew Bible Narratives as the Politics of Belonging from an Outsider Within

A Womanist Reading of Hebrew Bible Narratives as the Politics of Belonging from an Outsider Within

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 Addressed by the Word: Eduard Thurneysen on Being Human

Addressed by the Word: Eduard Thurneysen on Being Human

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 African Pentecostal Theology: Modality, Disciplinarity, and Decoloniality

African Pentecostal Theology: Modality, Disciplinarity, and Decoloniality

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 After The Passion Is Gone: American Religious Consequences

After The Passion Is Gone: American Religious Consequences

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 Alain Badiou and the Book of Revelation: The Emergence of a Truth

Alain Badiou and the Book of Revelation: The Emergence of a Truth

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 Alleluia is the Song of the Desert: An Exercise for Lent and other Sacred Times

Alleluia is the Song of the Desert: An Exercise for Lent and other Sacred Times

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 American Blindspot: Race, Class, Religion, and the Trump Presidency

American Blindspot: Race, Class, Religion, and the Trump Presidency

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 American Camino: Walking as Spiritual Practice on the Appalachian Trail

American Camino: Walking as Spiritual Practice on the Appalachian Trail

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 American Catholic Schools in the Twentieth Century: Encounters with Public Education Policies, Practices, and Reforms

American Catholic Schools in the Twentieth Century: Encounters with Public Education Policies, Practices, and Reforms

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 American Catholic Schools in the Twentieth Century: Encounters with Public Education Policies, Practices, and Reforms

American Catholic Schools in the Twentieth Century: Encounters with Public Education Policies, Practices, and Reforms

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 An Advaitic Modernity?: Raimon Panikkar and Philosophical Theology

An Advaitic Modernity?: Raimon Panikkar and Philosophical Theology

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 An Alley in Chicago: The Ministry of a City Priest

An Alley in Chicago: The Ministry of a City Priest

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 An Ethnomusicologist's Last Lecture: Music and Globalism, Philosophy and Religion

An Ethnomusicologist's Last Lecture: Music and Globalism, Philosophy and Religion

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 Anglican Identities

Anglican Identities

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 Animated Parables: A Pedagogy of Seven Deadly Sins and a Few Virtues

Animated Parables: A Pedagogy of Seven Deadly Sins and a Few Virtues

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 Anton Boisen: Madness, Mysticism, and the Origins of Clinical Pastoral Education

Anton Boisen: Madness, Mysticism, and the Origins of Clinical Pastoral Education

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 Applying Jewish Ethics: Beyond the Rabbinic Tradition

Applying Jewish Ethics: Beyond the Rabbinic Tradition

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 Aquinas and Modernity: The Lost Promise of Natural Law

Aquinas and Modernity: The Lost Promise of Natural Law

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 Architecture, Theology, and Ethics: Making Architectural Design More Just

Architecture, Theology, and Ethics: Making Architectural Design More Just

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 Aristide: A Theological and Political Introduction

Aristide: A Theological and Political Introduction

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 Art and Praise in Kierkegaard's Works of Love

Art and Praise in Kierkegaard's Works of Love

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 Art As Witness: A Practical Theology of Arts-Based Research

Art As Witness: A Practical Theology of Arts-Based Research

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 Asian Case Studies on Translating Christianity: Toward God's Self-Communication and the Trinitarian End of Asian Theology

Asian Case Studies on Translating Christianity: Toward God's Self-Communication and the Trinitarian End of Asian Theology

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 Assaulted Personhood: Original and Everyday Sins Attacking the "Other"

Assaulted Personhood: Original and Everyday Sins Attacking the "Other"

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 Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion: Extraterrestrial Life in a Process Universe

Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion: Extraterrestrial Life in a Process Universe

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 Atheists Finding God: Unlikely Stories of Conversions to Christianity in the Contemporary West

Atheists Finding God: Unlikely Stories of Conversions to Christianity in the Contemporary West

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 Augustine and Ethics

Augustine and Ethics

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 Augustine's Preaching and the Healing of Desire in the Enarrationes in Psalmos

Augustine's Preaching and the Healing of Desire in the Enarrationes in Psalmos

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 Ayahuasca as Liquid Divinity: An Ontological Approach

Ayahuasca as Liquid Divinity: An Ontological Approach

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 Bach's St. John Passion for the Twenty-First Century: Musical and Theological Perspectives

Bach's St. John Passion for the Twenty-First Century: Musical and Theological Perspectives

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 Be Still: Designing and Leading Contemplative Retreats

Be Still: Designing and Leading Contemplative Retreats

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 Be Strong and Courageous: Letters to My Children About Being Christian

Be Strong and Courageous: Letters to My Children About Being Christian

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 Becoming Bridges: The Spirit and Practice of Diversity

Becoming Bridges: The Spirit and Practice of Diversity

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 Becoming Human: Core Teachings of Jesus

Becoming Human: Core Teachings of Jesus

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 Bees, Wasps, and Weasels: Zoomorphic Slurs and the Delegitimation of Deborah and Huldah in the Babylonian Talmud

Bees, Wasps, and Weasels: Zoomorphic Slurs and the Delegitimation of Deborah and Huldah in the Babylonian Talmud

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 Before Belief: Discovering First Spiritual Awareness

Before Belief: Discovering First Spiritual Awareness

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 Begging for Their Daily Bread: Beggar-Centric Interpretations of Matthew 6

Begging for Their Daily Bread: Beggar-Centric Interpretations of Matthew 6

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 Being Church in a Liminal Time: Remembering, Letting Go, Resurrecting

Being Church in a Liminal Time: Remembering, Letting Go, Resurrecting

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 Being Church in a Liminal Time: Remembering, Letting Go, Resurrecting

Being Church in a Liminal Time: Remembering, Letting Go, Resurrecting

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 Being Subordinate Men: Paul's Rhetoric of Gender and Power in 1 Corinthians

Being Subordinate Men: Paul's Rhetoric of Gender and Power in 1 Corinthians

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 Bernard Bolzano: A New Evaluation of His Thought and His Circle

Bernard Bolzano: A New Evaluation of His Thought and His Circle

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 Bernhard Lichtenberg: Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of the Nazi Regime

Bernhard Lichtenberg: Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of the Nazi Regime

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 Between Being and Time: From Ontology to Eschatology

Between Being and Time: From Ontology to Eschatology

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 Betwixt and Between Liminality and Marginality: Mind the Gap

Betwixt and Between Liminality and Marginality: Mind the Gap

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 Beyond Death and Jail: Anti-Blackness, Black Masculinity, and the Demonic Imagination

Beyond Death and Jail: Anti-Blackness, Black Masculinity, and the Demonic Imagination

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 Bible and Theory: Essays in Biblical Interpretation in Honor of Stephen D. Moore

Bible and Theory: Essays in Biblical Interpretation in Honor of Stephen D. Moore

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 Bible, Interpretation, and Context: Reading Meaning from an African Perspective

Bible, Interpretation, and Context: Reading Meaning from an African Perspective

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 Biblical ABCs: The Basics of Christian Resistance

Biblical ABCs: The Basics of Christian Resistance

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 Bitter the Chastening Rod: Africana Biblical Interpretation after Stony the Road We Trod in the Age of BLM, SayHerName, and MeToo

Bitter the Chastening Rod: Africana Biblical Interpretation after Stony the Road We Trod in the Age of BLM, SayHerName, and MeToo

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 Bitter the Chastening Rod: Africana Biblical Interpretation after Stony the Road We Trod in the Age of BLM, SayHerName, and MeToo

Bitter the Chastening Rod: Africana Biblical Interpretation after Stony the Road We Trod in the Age of BLM, SayHerName, and MeToo

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 Black Christology and the Quest for Authenticity: A Philosophical Appraisal

Black Christology and the Quest for Authenticity: A Philosophical Appraisal

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 Black Flesh Matters: Essays on Runagate Interpretation

Black Flesh Matters: Essays on Runagate Interpretation

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 Black Flesh Matters: Essays on Runagate Interpretation

Black Flesh Matters: Essays on Runagate Interpretation

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 Black Lives Matter and the Image of God: A Theo-Anthropological Study

Black Lives Matter and the Image of God: A Theo-Anthropological Study

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 Black Theology and The Black Panthers

Black Theology and The Black Panthers

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 Bloomfield Avenue: A Jewish-Catholic Jersey Girl's Spiritual Journey

Bloomfield Avenue: A Jewish-Catholic Jersey Girl's Spiritual Journey

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 Bob Dylan and the Spheres of Existence

Bob Dylan and the Spheres of Existence

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 Bodies Inhabiting the World: Scandianvian Creation Theology and the Question of Home

Bodies Inhabiting the World: Scandianvian Creation Theology and the Question of Home

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 Bonhoeffer and Climate Change: Theology and Ethics for the Anthropocene

Bonhoeffer and Climate Change: Theology and Ethics for the Anthropocene

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 Bonhoeffer and Climate Change: Theology and Ethics for the Anthropocene

Bonhoeffer and Climate Change: Theology and Ethics for the Anthropocene

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 Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity in Its Christological Context

Bonhoeffer's Religionless Christianity in Its Christological Context

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 Borderlands of Theological Education

Borderlands of Theological Education

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 Brightest and Best: A Companion to the Lesser Feasts and Fasts

Brightest and Best: A Companion to the Lesser Feasts and Fasts

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 Bringing Good Even Out of Evil: Thomism and the Problem of Evil

Bringing Good Even Out of Evil: Thomism and the Problem of Evil

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 Broken Hallelujah: Nikos Kazantzakis and Christian Theology

Broken Hallelujah: Nikos Kazantzakis and Christian Theology

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 Building the Body of Christ: Christian Art, Identity, and Community in Late Antique Italy

Building the Body of Christ: Christian Art, Identity, and Community in Late Antique Italy

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 Called to Question: A Spiritual Memoir

Called to Question: A Spiritual Memoir

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 Catholic & Ecumenical: History and Hope

Catholic & Ecumenical: History and Hope

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 Catholic Women's Rhetoric in the United States: Ethos, the Patriarchy, and Feminist Resistance

Catholic Women's Rhetoric in the United States: Ethos, the Patriarchy, and Feminist Resistance

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 Catholic Women's Rhetoric in the United States: Ethos, the Patriarchy, and Feminist Resistance

Catholic Women's Rhetoric in the United States: Ethos, the Patriarchy, and Feminist Resistance

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 Centering Hope as a Sustainable Decolonial Practice: Esperanza en Pr

Centering Hope as a Sustainable Decolonial Practice: Esperanza en Pr

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 Centering Hope as a Sustainable Decolonial Practice: Esperanza en Pr

Centering Hope as a Sustainable Decolonial Practice: Esperanza en Pr

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 Ceremonies of the Eucharist: A guide to Celebration

Ceremonies of the Eucharist: A guide to Celebration

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 Champions of Faith: Catholic Sports Heroes Tell Their Stories

Champions of Faith: Catholic Sports Heroes Tell Their Stories

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 Change Agent Church in Black Lives Matter Times: Urgency for Action

Change Agent Church in Black Lives Matter Times: Urgency for Action

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 Change Agent Church in Black Lives Matter Times: Urgency for Action

Change Agent Church in Black Lives Matter Times: Urgency for Action

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 Charles Fletcher Dole, Liberal Theology, and Reform: A Life Well Lived

Charles Fletcher Dole, Liberal Theology, and Reform: A Life Well Lived

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 Christ the Sacrament of the Encounter With God

Christ the Sacrament of the Encounter With God

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 Christ's Passion, Our Passions: Reflections on the Seven Last Words from the Cross

Christ's Passion, Our Passions: Reflections on the Seven Last Words from the Cross

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 Christ, Church, and World: Bonhoeffer and Lutheran Ecclesiology after Christendom

Christ, Church, and World: Bonhoeffer and Lutheran Ecclesiology after Christendom

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 Christian College, Christian Calling

Christian College, Christian Calling

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 Christian Ethics for a Digital Society

Christian Ethics for a Digital Society

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 Christian Footings: Creation, World Religions, Personalism, Revelation, and Jesus

Christian Footings: Creation, World Religions, Personalism, Revelation, and Jesus

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 Christian Sacred Music in the Americas

Christian Sacred Music in the Americas

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 Christian Sacred Music in the Americas

Christian Sacred Music in the Americas

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